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Meet Pete Senn

Pete recently earned his 5 year plaque with Fire and Safety Australia and over his time has worked for FSA in WA, QLD, VIC and NSW. Pete lives and breathes FSA’s core values and is a vital member of the team with experience  and knowledge in both Fire and Safety and Work Health and Safety legislation and course work.

Pete Senn

Trainer Supervisor - WA

What inspired you to join FSA as a trainer?
FSA’s Core Values – ‘Passion for safety,’ ‘Commitment to our team and clients,’ ‘be memorable,’ and ‘thirst for improvement’ inspired me to join the team. These values gel well with my personal ethical values

What do you love most about your role?
The opportunities to discover how diverse Australian workplaces achieve their safety goals. While techniques vary, the safety management process does not.

What is the most challenging aspect of your role?
Personal development in understanding the identification of hazards and implementation of controls across Australia’s diverse industries.

What is your proudest career achievement?
I have completed three Diplomas while working with FSA, including WHS, Training and Training Design.

Do you have any safety tips for people?
Management must walk the floor and consult with workers when identifying hazards.

What do you wish you knew when you were younger?
How to refuse to perform unsafe work practices. When I started work in 1981, safety was not mandated by legislation and was optional or worse.