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Emergency Response Considerations – Remote Mining, Exploration, Construction

Australia’s economy is highly dependent upon revenue generated in remote regions of Australia. As this reliance increases, so do the number of projects being undertaken and with this comes urgency, skills shortages and in turn risk. Your people are your number one commodity, keeping them safe and well will always be your priority.

When planning remote mining, exploration or exploration works there are lots of considerations regarding Medical and Emergency Response Services (MERS).

How many staff will you have in the area?
Are you conducting any hazardous works?
How far away from help are you in the event of an incident?
What does your emergency response plan consider as reasonably foreseeable emergencies that could take place?
What medical evacuation plans are in place for critically ill or injured personnel?
What skillsets and qualifications do you need based on your risks (ESO’s, Paramedics, Nurses) – Contracted, permanent or volunteer?
What training programs do are in place to induct, train, and refresh emergency response skills onsite for your personnel?
What emergency response equipment and vehicles are required? (4WD Ambulance, Fire Appliance)
What medical consumables do you need?
Do you need a Poison’s Permit or RFDS Kit?
Is a clinic required on-site?
Project Duration?

The list goes on and each project and situation is different. Fire and Safety Australia Pty Ltd are subject matter experts in the provision of on-site Medical and Emergency Response services and emergency response training. Let us work with you in determining your project requirements and how we can help you meet these in both an effective and cost-efficient manner. You will be surprised that with a bit of planning and coordination we can cover off your MERS and Training requirements at the same time delivering substantial savings.
For larger projects we can also assist and manage on your behalf all manner of statuary compliance issues, asset registers, staff training registers and VOC’s for personnel.

It is not all about only the physical wellbeing and Safety of your staff, as many companies are realising Mental Health First Aid is a big factor to a companies success. A mentally fit and healthy is more productive than one that chooses to ignore or sweep issues under the table. Fire and Safety Australia Pty Ltd as a Registered Training Organisation can provide your staff with the tools and learning that will help them, their colleagues, family and ultimately your business recognise and assist those in need.

So reach out to David Spencer for any training or Medical and Emergency Services needs or questions that you may have.
Australia’s leading safety and emergency response company. Forever changing safety in the world, one experience at a time.